

In a tricky situation and want to let someone know about it so they can assist you? Ever wished you could quickly and easily notify someone that you a...

ISO Events

We're ISO, the International Organization for Standardization. We develop and publish International Standards and this is the mobile application d...

ISO Focus+

ISO Focus+ magazine draws attention to the vital role International Standards play in the global economy. The magazine is geared to an international r...


《闯关东》讲述的是从清末到九一八事变爆发前,一户山东人家为生活所迫而离乡背井“闯关东”的故事,以主人公朱开山的复杂、坎坷的一生为线索,其中穿插了朱开山的三个性格迥异、命运不同的儿子在关东路上遇到的种种磨难和考验。在剧本策划阶段就将其创作定位为:小人物成为大英雄的故事。 “闯关东”这种民族行为是中华民...