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歡迎您下載「台南老屋顏」App來找到屬於自己老屋的表情! 老屋顏工作室與新光三越台南小西門店合作 「老房子的一百種表情 - 老屋顏APP x 實體創作互動展」 以台南的老房子為創意發想, 「台南老屋顏」讓您使用許多經典美麗的老屋樣式拼貼組合, 配合窗花、欄杆等裝飾元素與生活場景, 重現早期質樸的生...

Fly Fox

Fly Fox !We present to you, a fun, simple and retro-looking 2D game in which you have to manoeuvre a flying fox through an obstacle course built with ...

City Trends

City Trends helps you find out what's hot trending in the cities. It uses Twitter hot tweets keyword trends.You will know what's happen around...