



Application gives details of 4 ayas named Dhwajaya , Simhaya , Gajaya , Vrushabhaya . These are used to decide the circumference of a building accordi...


Мобильное приложение ТехноПортал - это сервис, который в нужную минуту не просто поможет Вам очень быстро осуществить поиск товаров, но и предоставит ...


Herramienta de uso veterinario que permite diseñar en forma rápida y segura estrategias anestésicas y analgésicas según las necesidades de cada pacien...

Adobe GroupPix

GroupPix is the easy way for you and your friends to create a collaborative "party photos" album that you can all access and have fun with later. Duri...

EX Reversi

This is a cool Reversi. This game has 55 special boards. You can join the score ranking on the net. You can make, upload, and download original stages...