亲,根据《中医体质分类与判定》标准,人的体质可分为平和质、气虚质、阳虚质、阴虚质、痰湿质、湿热质、血瘀质、气郁质、特禀质九个类型。 (《中医体质分类与判定》是我国第一部指导和规范中医体质研究及应用的文件,旨在为体质辨识及与中医体质相关疾病的防治、养生保健、健康管理提供依据,使体质分类科学化、规范化。...
It’s a challenge keeping up with everything the last couple years of high school. The Bank of North Dakota (BND) College Planning Calendar app helps y...
Expand and enrichen your culinary skills with vegan recipes and new vegan variations. More than 50 recipes are included in this app.AppStore customer ...
Download the official app and make the most of your time at the bristol-myers squibb national sales meeting 2015.See the complete agenda, then add rel...
This is a German App in german language only:Prepare delicious meals without the expense of animal lives! This is the philosophy of vegan barbecue. Al...
The official app for Bnei Akiva UK! Bnei Akiva is the United Kingdom’s largest Jewish youth movement. With over thirty branches across the country as ...
By downloading this “frame” app you will be given the opportunity to PURCHASE the latest version of BNFC. The current version isBNF for Children 2014-...
Diese Koch-App verbindet die reiche Vielfalt von Aromen und Geschmacksrichtungen der traditionellen italienischen Küche mit der veganen Lebensphilosph...
Backen ohne Butter, Eier, Milch, Gelatine und Co- dafür mit viel Liebe, Genuss und gutem Gewissen!Sie werden staunen, wie vielseitig die vegane Weihna...