

1984年一月间,邓丽君在台北中华体育馆举行她的十五周年演唱会, 对邓丽君来说,是她个人演唱生涯里的一件大事. 十亿个掌声演唱会,也是生平最最成功(最美丽时期、最佳嗓音效果、最摇曳身姿)的一场演唱会;这场演唱会是由田文仲担任主持人,他在开场白中表示,邓丽君所拥有的个人殊荣就是华夏之光,她的歌声象征自...

追夢-永遠的鄧麗君 特展

勇於追夢的巨星鄧麗君,以柔情萬千的歌聲,撫慰了一代代人的心靈。2013年適逢鄧麗君60冥誕,獻上20億個掌聲,讓永遠的鄧麗君,再一次「為你歌唱」!「追夢-永遠的鄧麗君」特展,2013.01.26 起至 2013.04.21 在台北市中正紀念堂展出,將以「浮空投影」立體呈現演唱聲影,透過歌聲牽引故事,...


Welcome to 'Memoraty'!Memoraty is a game in which you have to find matching pairs of cards. Its features include 2-Player and single player modes, two...

Warcraft AUTO

Giới thiệu trò chơi:Warcraft AUTO là game dựa trên chủ đề Warcraft kinh điển của năm 2014 và các phiên bản mới tích hợp với game RPG thương vụ. "Warcr...


--free version with iAds!--Welcome to 'Memoraty'! Memoraty is a game in which you have to find matching pairs of cards. Its features include 2-Player ...


As a soldier of the corps,it's your duty to protect the survivors of the human population.The free-thinkers are methodically eradicating us as we spe...