1984年一月间,邓丽君在台北中华体育馆举行她的十五周年演唱会, 对邓丽君来说,是她个人演唱生涯里的一件大事. 十亿个掌声演唱会,也是生平最最成功(最美丽时期、最佳嗓音效果、最摇曳身姿)的一场演唱会;这场演唱会是由田文仲担任主持人,他在开场白中表示,邓丽君所拥有的个人殊荣就是华夏之光,她的歌声象征自...
1984年一月间,邓丽君在台北中华体育馆举行她的十五周年演唱会, 对邓丽君来说,是她个人演唱生涯里的一件大事. 十亿个掌声演唱会,也是生平最最成功(最美丽时期、最佳嗓音效果、最摇曳身姿)的一场演唱会;这场演唱会是由田文仲担任主持人,他在开场白中表示,邓丽君所拥有的个人殊荣就是华夏之光,她的歌声象征自...
勇於追夢的巨星鄧麗君,以柔情萬千的歌聲,撫慰了一代代人的心靈。2013年適逢鄧麗君60冥誕,獻上20億個掌聲,讓永遠的鄧麗君,再一次「為你歌唱」!「追夢-永遠的鄧麗君」特展,2013.01.26 起至 2013.04.21 在台北市中正紀念堂展出,將以「浮空投影」立體呈現演唱聲影,透過歌聲牽引故事,...
Rush hour is approaching and the traffic intensity is rising in the city. Get the flow going by strategically stopping and accelerating rushing vehicl...
Enjoy the most spectacular racing game in the App Store! Experience all of the excitement, competition and glory of championship racing. This is handh...
Furious Racing is developed and published by Splay Game Studio. The best thing to attract player is perfect combination of sharp 3D graphic and intere...
Furious Racing is developed and published by Splay Game Studio. The best thing to attract player is perfect combination of sharp 3D graphic and intere...
Furious Road " is a great addictive and simple road circle and red car !Speed up or slow down your red Car to avoid the green Car !+ Simple, fun and a...
Are you ready to race away from the police at super speeds using Rockets, Armour and huge speed boosts? Test your epic police car chase. This is the l...
Adventurous Marowak can't wait to get all the coins and beat his opponents. But he has a long way to go!Help him run as fast as he can and meanwhile a...