八式動禪 vcd


法鼓八式動禪 為了讓緊張忙碌的現代人,能夠簡便地享受禪法的奧妙,法鼓山聖嚴法師依據多年的實修體驗,將禪修心法融入運動中,發展出「法鼓八式動禪」。「法鼓八式動禪」是一套不拘時間、不拘地點,而且簡單易學、有益身心的「動中禪」。只要能勤加練習,在行、住、坐、臥之中,都能以動禪的修行方式,清楚享受身心放鬆的...


ANANDA Yoga ("ANANDA") is formed by a group of individuals who hold the firm belief that while yoga practices benefit individuals, it can benefit the ...

HomeGarden -2baby

Fresh air,warm sun,green grass and colorful flowers,everything is so perfect!Take children to go outside for fun in such a lovely afternoon,they will ...


Stretch the stick in order to reach and walk on the platforms. Watch out! If the stick is not long enough, you will fall down!How far can you go?免費玩Bl...