The Teamr Companion is for members of teams and groups who use for their team and group organization. The application shows you upcoming eve...
"Today+" is the life log software focusing on timing your activity and saving the data with memos and pictures.-Timing your activity and record it wit...
Haben Sie auch schon einmal mit dem Handy eine teure 0180-Hotline einer Firma angerufen und sich hinterher über die hohen Kosten geärgert? Mobilfunk-A...
Transliterate Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Marathi, Kannada, Malayalam, Telugu, Tamil, Nepali and Arabic using the Google Language Transliteration servic...
Notitas ("little notes" in Spanish) is a geographically-aware virtual board where you can post text notes of any kind.Add a note, tap on it, and edit ...
Have you been looking for a SIMPLE notepad app that lets you quickly document your day, make lists, and record your spontaneous ideas? Congratulations...