Economist QuickQuotes
Huge collection of quotes by famous economists. Easily browse and manage the quotes using our QuickQuotes app. Economists quoted in our collection inc...
Huge collection of quotes by famous economists. Easily browse and manage the quotes using our QuickQuotes app. Economists quoted in our collection inc...
Need a good, secure password right now? * Generate strong, secure passwords quickly. * Mail them directly as a QR code to yourself or your customers. ...
Have you ever tasted albatross soup or heard about the scuba diver they found in a forest miles from the ocean? If you know the answers to these "situ...
The Hebrew Bible iPhone application is designed for reading/studying the Hebrew Bible in either Hebrew, Aramaic (Torah only), or in a parallel transla...
This application allows you to create special effects for the photo. It create a photo for you with many special color effects on the photo. You can a...
Egenda is Scheduling Task software that allows an individual to create Lists, incorporating due dates and priority items using multiple To-Do lists an...
¡Añade a tu iPhone la opción “manos libres” y "Push-To-Talk" (*), llamando simplemente con tu voz! Aunque tengas unos cuantos o cientos de contactos, ...
DeeDum is an adaptation of the famous Snake game, now on your mobile.Control a long and thin worm-like creature, who must slalom between the edges of ...
Blades of Steel is an awesome sword fighting app featuring blades from around the world including: - Wakizashi - Shoto Katana - Daito Katana - Gallowg...
For a full video preview, please see the iScubaPlan website: http://www.scubaplan.comFast, accurate, recreational SCUBA dive planner built by the same...