体彩最新开奖查询 HD(联网 无延时)
*******************************************************这是一款专门针对中国体育彩票而开发的开奖查询应用,您可以在第一时间获得最新的各项体彩开奖信息。特点: -数据同步更新; -支持iPhone4的视网膜屏幕高清显示; -易用,明了; -延时小,...
*******************************************************这是一款专门针对中国体育彩票而开发的开奖查询应用,您可以在第一时间获得最新的各项体彩开奖信息。特点: -数据同步更新; -支持iPhone4的视网膜屏幕高清显示; -易用,明了; -延时小,...
最新的娱乐工具, 搞笑办证~~~ 不需要网络链接,只要输入姓名、性别和年龄,以及选取一张头像照片,即可为您生成一个独特而搞笑的“证件”。独特的设计,无厘头的语句,搞笑的效果,这些都是该程序专有的。 超过40种证件模版供您选择,您可以为您自己设计一个“超级帅哥证“或”超级美眉证“,您也可以选择为朋友定...
**************** 它不是一个传说,它是一个神器!!! ******************* 身为一名人民教师,您还在用笔记录每天的点名情况吗?期末评定成绩的时候,您还在手动计算每位学生的缺勤情况吗? 如果您还那样,那您就彻底的OUT了。 请使用全新神器“教师点名助手”吧! ★ 智能...
★★★★★The first currency app can push exchange rates on App Store.★★★★★With the Push, you will never miss any changes on your focusing currencies.iCurr...
Calendar 2013 is an app can let you make your own Calendar freely.All created calendar can be saved into your photo library, you can used it as wallpa...
Check your public IP address just by a simple click.This app not only show your public IP, but also report all detail informations, such like ISP name...
This can let you browse through over 150 billion web pages archived from 1996 to a few months ago. You know, all web browser always show latest conten...
This app can let you browse through over 150 billion web pages archived from 1996 to a few months ago. You know, all web browser always show latest co...
This application can let you transfer images into your devices wirelessly from Mac computers. All received images will be auto saved into the build in...
Let's send your location within a magic link.What is the purpose of this app ? This app can send your location to others with a link, and the receiver...