Milanski Edikt
Milanski edikt je zakonski akt koji su doneli carevi Konstantin Veliki (vladar zapadnog dela Rimskog carstva) i Licinije (vladar istočnog dela Rimskog...
Milanski edikt je zakonski akt koji su doneli carevi Konstantin Veliki (vladar zapadnog dela Rimskog carstva) i Licinije (vladar istočnog dela Rimskog...
In the first part of "Wakeman" trilogy, 13-year old local thief and a bullyNick Wakeman undergoes a complete character reconstruction which startsafte...
In the first part of "Wakeman" trilogy, 13-year old local thief and a bullyNick Wakeman undergoes a complete character reconstruction which startsafte...
High quality illustrations from the book 'Wakeman' written by Seymore Green, who also produced illustrations for this book.What features has t...
L'Editto di Milano era un documento emesso nel 313 dC che ha nominato la tolleranza religiosa in Italia, in particolare per i cristiani. E 'st...
The Edict of Milan was a document issued in 313 A.D which appointed religious tolerance in Italy, particularly to the Christians. It was decreed and s...