COMPLETELY FREE, NO ADS!Prepare for college with SAT to ACT!Taking the SAT or ACT? Wonder what your scores equate between each test? Now you can know ...
COMPLETELY FREE, NO ADS!Prepare for college with SAT to ACT!Taking the SAT or ACT? Wonder what your scores equate between each test? Now you can know ...
Crow GPS is a unique utility that will make your life easier! Whether you are a traveler, geocacher, backpacker, hiker, rockclimber, or just plain cur...
CryptoSMS PRO is a unique messaging application that encrypts your private information. With this simple, easy to use application you can send encrypt...
Encrypt and send. So simple! All your private data and conversations can be privatized with this unique SMS texting service. CryptoSMS FREE utilizes o...
Next time you're out on the town and your friend is short on cash, don't worry about lending him a few bucks. And when that same friend wants ...
This version now includes the scheduled automatic reminders tool.Next time you're out on the town and your friend is short on cash, don't worr...