白雪公主 by DICO
白雪公主 本故事书为欧美著名的童话故事,音乐背景为日本的著名音乐家谷冈 久美小姐的创作. 柔和的音乐背景和触动屏幕可以让精彩的故事更添色彩.从而增加孩子对学习和知识的吸收增添兴趣.满足孩子心灵的求知欲,绝对为您最理想的选择. -被日本当选为Apple store的教育教材部的第三名. -拥有中文,日...
白雪公主 本故事书为欧美著名的童话故事,音乐背景为日本的著名音乐家谷冈 久美小姐的创作. 柔和的音乐背景和触动屏幕可以让精彩的故事更添色彩.从而增加孩子对学习和知识的吸收增添兴趣.满足孩子心灵的求知欲,绝对为您最理想的选择. -被日本当选为Apple store的教育教材部的第三名. -拥有中文,日...
概要: こんなアプリがほしかった!いつもの毎日をちょっと豊かにするMr.Apliの第一弾は、ありそうで無かった言語アプリ「元気の出る日本語」。誰もがどこかで聞いたことがある、「ちょっとくさいけど、一度は使ってみたい(?)」色々な名台詞が盛りだくさん。聞くだけでついつい笑って「元気が出る」フレーズには...
"Once upon a time, there was a little mermaid who lived with her family deep under the sea. She wanted so badly to go to the surface, but her father, ...
DICO Co., Ltd. is proud to present Captain Tooth, a completely interactive book for children but also fun for adults. It is the fruit of international...
Captain Tooth Vs Globe - multilingual, interactive picture book!Read your children a beautiful, lively bedtime story that comes to life before their v...
DICO's Jack and the Beanstalk - a multilingual, interactive picture book!Read your children a beautiful, lively bedtime story that comes to life befor...
"The Tortoise, the Hare and the Young Sage” - multilingual, interactive picture book!Read your children a beautiful, lively bedtime story that comes t...
DICO Co., Ltd. is proud to present Captain Tooth and Saliva Surfer, a completely interactive book for children but also fun for adults. It is the frui...
An old classic retold through an interactive picture book! "Once upon a time, there was a woman who wished so dearly to give birth to a cute little ba...
Description of Cavitoids (DINOS)Set in New Tooth City.Our hero Captain Tooth is back again to protect children from tooth decay with his "Fluoride Shi...