SSTV Slow Scan TV Ham Radio Transmitting and Receiving
Want to display or send SSTV transmissions, without using a bulky computer? SSTV Pad lets you decode and display Ham (Amateur) Radio SSTV (Slow Scan T...
Want to display or send SSTV transmissions, without using a bulky computer? SSTV Pad lets you decode and display Ham (Amateur) Radio SSTV (Slow Scan T...
Spectrum Pad turns your iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch into an audio spectrum analyzer. Frequencies up to 20 kHz can be displayed. You can control the di...
Looking for a way to play sound clips at a theater or sporting events, as a DJ, or at other events? Don’t want to lug a computer around with you? With...
SelCall generates Selective Calling Tones. Select your tone type from the extensive selection of available modes, then touch the button for each tone ...
Want to monitor morse code transmissions, without using a bulky computer? Morse Pad lets you decode morse code on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch. Ju...
Are you a ham radio operator or shortwave listener, in need of up to date propagation information and solar conditions? It features several propagatio...
Transmission Line Calc allows you to perform several calculations related to RF transmission Lines. After selecting from one of 47 different transmiss...
Field Strength Calc helps you determine the received strength of a transmitted signal. Enter in the transmitter power, antenna gains, distance, and fr...
Need to find the right bit size for a hole? Drill Calc calculates the correct drill bit size to use for threaded holes, based on the bolt (tap) diamet...
iFunctionGenerator turns your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch into an audio function generator. You can have up to 20 generators, each operating at a diff...