Cheetah - Free Version
Most of the "proper" crosswords (you know, the hard ones) are still written by people - you can tell from the clues - but a lot of the "cryptic" or "q...
Most of the "proper" crosswords (you know, the hard ones) are still written by people - you can tell from the clues - but a lot of the "cryptic" or "q...
Sound is one of the senses which we sometimes under-rate, since so much music is available at the touch of a button, most of it for free, we live imme...
Sometimes apps. bring new functionality to a platform; and sometimes they simply bind together capabilities that the platform already has. Loci is one...
You'll recognise the guy on the top-left - it's William Shakespeare - who made up for his alarmingly high forehead by doing amazing things wit...
If you're a healthcare worker, delivery driver or service engineer, or in fact anyone whose job involves going places and doing things, ToDo might...
This is another of those apps which you didn't know you needed; but will wonder how you ever did without.And, if you work alone, and have to visit...
I know what you're thinking: "Surely the android doesn't need yet another alarm clock app.", and normally I'd agree with you; but I wrote ...
If you don't play the bagpipes, this will mean nothing to you; but if you do, you'll already know what a pain it is to tune them correctly. It...
Sometimes life gives you difficult choices, for example, whether to be rude and inconsiderate, or to risk your life trying to be polite. We've all...
Most of the "proper" crosswords (you know, the hard ones) are still written by people - you can tell from the clues - but a lot of the "cryptic" or "q...