Panic Flight

Panic Flight为您开启无边的探险之旅,您的反应能力——以及您的手指——将接受终极考验!作为AMA航空公司机群的机长,您必须飞跃最远的距离,将乘客安全送至目的地。但要一路小心!选择并升级您的飞机,飞行时更得心应手。单枪匹马,全球旅行,完成任务,或向全世界展示您在无穷的飞行中飞得有多好。Pan...

Panic Flight Booster Pack

***大本钟发给机长:准备好了开始5979英里到香港的颠簸飞行吗。做好准备,起飞!***全新的BB-22出来了,已经准备好起飞。现在就试驾,享受终极飞行体验,更灵活,更迅速!*** 故宫遇到了狮身人面像。准备起飞,完成全新的北京-开罗任务***新增卡拿大大飞机!现在就了解它的功能!*** 我们尽最大...

Date Doctor

Have you always dreamed of mastering the art of seduction? Don’t wait any longer! Move from theory to practice with Date Doctor, the ultimate guide to...

Sin Manager

What happens when we die? YOU are in charge! Sin Manager is the new fast-paced time management game to spend eternity with!As Manager of the Hereafter...

Flapping Duck

A duck has a tough life. Obstacles await her at every step. Fire up the game ‘Flapping Duck’ and help her fly to her goal. You've got to show your...


The GRMPF'S, those little bearded beings, has fallen from their lair on the top of the mountain for an unknown reason. They have lost all their pr...