Moto GP Android No Ads
>>Versão sem publicidade (No ads) Escolha um dos quatro motoqueiros do jogo, e tente vencer a corrida, desviando das pedras que aparecem na pista, gan...
>>Versão sem publicidade (No ads) Escolha um dos quatro motoqueiros do jogo, e tente vencer a corrida, desviando das pedras que aparecem na pista, gan...
Port of Gabriele Cirulli's 2048 to Android.+No Ads!+No permissions!+Supports all android versions 2.1 and up!+Features a slick and minimal layout+...
Paid app for timekeeping and results for Enduro, motocross, go-cart, cross-country skiing, bicyle race, or any other sport where results is based on t...
Kamusku is an offline English-Indonesian dictionary and vice versa. It contains almost every popular words and additional not-so-popular words in Engl...
The ROID (R) email app works with Yahoo Mail accounts ending in:,, Works with free Yahoo Mail & Yahoo Mail Plus...
GlowPuzzle is an extremely addicting game! The goal is to connect all the dots in the puzzle using a continuous path but you are not allowed to reuse ...
At the main horse racing locations in the world, Weather2HorseRacing offers current weather, fourteen days weather forecast, satellite views of the lo...
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Some time ago an old professor travelled around the world searching for the most amazing enigmas. He solved and wrote all of them in an old book: the ...