This application can convert between different units. The supported conversion categories are:- Distance- Area- Mass- Volume- Temperature- Speed- Powe...
This application can convert between different units. The supported conversion categories are:- Distance- Area- Mass- Volume- Temperature- Speed- Powe...
A handy app to convert between various units of measurement.Can convert in between:Lengths : cm, m, km, inches, feet and milesWeights: g, kg, ounces a...
So you’ve got a movie in other format, but you want to put it on a disc so you can watch it through your DVD player. Sounds easy, right? The only prob...
Simple Converter1. Distance (Meters, Decimeters, Centimeters, Millimeters, Kilometers, Miles, Nautical Miles, Yards, Inches, Feet)2. Time (Days, Hours...
Make videos easily by Video maker. A completely free open source video editing and authoring software.Video maker is fully featured video editing prog...
Video converter is the best converter application from one form to other different forms.....By using this application we can convert our videos in di...
This is a simple application to convert binary, decimal, octal and hexadecimal numbers into each other.The application will never ask you for non rele...
『歌曲王國』提供你所有的音樂資訊提供1.最新歌詞:每天更新歌詞, 中文歌詞, 英文歌詞, 日韓歌詞2.最新歌曲 MV:每首歌曲皆可連結 youtube 的影音3.歌手資訊:可以 "收藏歌手", 看歌手的最新新聞, 影音4.查詢歌詞:可以查找歌曲的歌詞5.專輯資訊:查找專輯的資訊,包含 專輯介紹, 歌...
內容介紹 : K-TV TUBE是你進入日常的日常應用的深度 你不停地忙碌著戲劇和娛樂節目收看節目如果你在尋找一個失踪的權利嗎? K-TV管每一個現在,然後我們永遠是你的朋友,你會 K-TV管你多愛我們的背 誰擁有超快速的更新K-TV管mworaedo國家的特點 最容易使用,將 如果您有任何意見,...
Cut all your videos very simply !Very fast and easy to use, select the start and end of the video and click cut button.All videos will be accessible f...