大受好評的Yahoo氣象App可以在 Android 裝置上使用囉!結合Flickr上的精美城市背景照與目前的天氣狀況相得益彰,還有全新的畫面設計和許多新增功能。不只查天氣,更能欣賞天氣。快速取得精準的氣象預報,還可以隨時顯示全球其他城市的最新氣象資料與圖輯。不論身在何處,天氣都變得更漂亮了。主要功...
大受好評的Yahoo氣象App可以在 Android 裝置上使用囉!結合Flickr上的精美城市背景照與目前的天氣狀況相得益彰,還有全新的畫面設計和許多新增功能。不只查天氣,更能欣賞天氣。快速取得精準的氣象預報,還可以隨時顯示全球其他城市的最新氣象資料與圖輯。不論身在何處,天氣都變得更漂亮了。主要功...
This is graph widget app that records the pressure and altitude (calculated from the pressure).You can displayed atmospheric pressure value of set tim...
Mostra os dados das próximas partidas do Vasco e notifica uma hora antes do jogo, para você não perder nenhuma partida.Possui dois widgets.Contem exte...
Fique sempre bem informado do próximo jogo do timão com esse widget.Mostra as seguintes informações:AdversárioHorárioDataCidade do JogoNome do estádio...
Put this widget on your screen and you'll always know the weather in your city.Feat.- Nearby cities forecasts- 4 days forecasts- new provider- Aut...
Very clean and beautiful wigdet that displays the current date and time on the left, and cycles through various statistics on the right. Easy to view ...
NetInfo is an easy to use single or dual widget with a clean design that shows the current Mobile data and / or Wi-Fi connection details, with quick s...
AEX-widget is a widget which give you up to date information about indicies and stocks like Dow Jones, Nasdaq, Microsoft, Google etc. Click on the wid...
“移动气象站”客户端由福建省气象局官方授权及提供气象信息,中国移动福建公司负责产品运营及推广,福州派克斯网络科技有限公司提供技术研发、运行维护服务,是三方共同合作,倾力推出的一款手机气象服务客户端。 1、权威发布福建省内各地市天气实时预报、天气情况综述、整点实况趋势图、提供温馨的生活指数; 2、预报...
“移动气象站”客户端由福建省气象局官方授权及提供气象信息,中国移动福建公司负责产品运营及推广,福州派克斯网络科技有限公司提供技术研发、运行维护服务,是三方共同合作,倾力推出的一款手机气象服务客户端。 1、权威发布福建省内各地市天气实时预报、天气情况综述、整点实况趋势图、提供温馨的生活指数; 2、预报...