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Stock Quote

Highlighted by Google, Stock Quote has best financial features: • Stock with real-time, after-hour, pre-market quotes• Technical charts with indicator...

Yahoo Finance

Your #1 finance destination to track the markets and the economy. Follow the stocks you care about most and get personalized news and alerts. Access r...

RoidRage Comic Maker Pro

不论在哪里你能创作属于你自己的暴走漫画/表情特色功能:- 从500多张暴走漫画表情和脸型中创作属于你的作品- 提供追加表情包下载- 输出高分辨率文件.png并分享- 搜索功能- 画图功能- 添加/删除漫画面板- 单/多指缩放/旋转- 无广告- App2SD- 更多等你来发现!专业版功能:- 添加自定...