Romanian Currency
Curs valutar offers you information regarding the currency exchange rates from Romania.If you want to invest in the local currency or any other curren...
Curs valutar offers you information regarding the currency exchange rates from Romania.If you want to invest in the local currency or any other curren...
Romanian Currency (Cursul valutar) is based on the daily currency rates from National Bank of Romania. Features:- actual listing for 20 currencies- a ...
Fxcm Analysis & Research helps learn Fxcm & to aid into trading decisions. Sign into Fxcm with the user id assigned from Fxcm, track Currency Pairs tr...
Currency converter using the camera to read prices and converts them from one currency to another. If some of the numbers can't be recognized the ...
Currency Calculator is an easy to use foreign exchange app where you can get the latest currencies converted for free online with simple update facili...
Current version: 2.0.0Publish date: 29/9/2014Currency = is a simple currency rate exchange app. Website(免費玩Curre...
Currency Exchange Game - Can You Become A Millionaire?Currency Master is a currency exchange simulation game that allows you to play the real-world cu...
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Want to advance your career? Make it happen with Pocket MBA. From arbitrage to zero-coupon bonds, finance has a language all its own. The Finance Glo...
Finance para Android é o app da Paiva Piovesan que permite a gestão financeira de contas correntes, conta caixa e cartão de crédito. No Finance para A...