xphone spec

Spec Device

Spec Device creates specification of Your device "from inside", and allows to share it with interested people.It discovers all possible technical info...

RunDevil low spec

※ 설치실패 시 아래 링크를 클릭하여 설치하세요 ※-> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Chans.ahn 컨트롤을 잘하는 사람만 도전하라! 10000점을 넘지 못하면 기록도 남길 수 없다!☆누구나 쉽게 할 수 있...


4XP is proud to present the latest in mobile trading – the 4XPhone.Trade whenever and wherever you want with 4XPhone via the latest technology.With 4X...

Ban Luck 3D

★ highly optimized 3D graphics and animations for lifelike gameplay ★ clean and friendly user interface (optional input by gestures) ★ text-to-speech ...


《何以笙箫默》足量完整全文+3篇番外! 《何以笙箫默》征服了千万粉丝,见证了她们的青春成长,成就了无数少女的校园王子梦。 故事讲述的是一段年少时的爱恋,牵出一生的纠缠。大学时代的赵默笙阳光灿烂,对法学系大才子何以琛一见倾心,开朗直率的她拔足倒追,终于使才气出众的他为她停留驻足。然而,不善表达的他终于...