remote desktop x mobile
You can connect to a remote PC and your work resources. Experience the power with Remote Desktop mobile client designed to help you get your work done...
You can connect to a remote PC and your work resources. Experience the power with Remote Desktop mobile client designed to help you get your work done...
任何應用程序遙控器變成無線遙控你的Android設備,任何應用程序,支持熱鍵。你可以遠程操作與任何一台計算機上安裝Java支持(在Windows,Linux ...),任何應用程序服務器上啟動的程序。PRO版本,你可以遠程操作: - Adobe PDF閱讀器 - 女妖媒體播放器 - Boxe...
任何應用程序遠程讓您的Android設備變成無線遙控器,支持熱鍵的任何應用程序。您可以用安裝有Java支持(在Windows,Linux ... )和任何應用服務器的任何計算機上的程序開始遠程操作。與你需要有相應的模式安裝在Android應用程序中的程序進行遠程工作。的任何應用程序遠程免費版本有幾個...
This is four arithmetic operations trainer.[How to exercise]Just start app. Choose the correct answer from three candidate.You can change setting from...
Control your PC throw Wi-Fi by a command-line interface using your Android device!Download Remote Control Server (requires Java) here:http://www.bitlu...
REQUIRES: CSS for Windows This app is design for Jehovah's Witnesses. This is a remote control for the desktop program CSS (for windows). It allow...
Topviewer 讓使用者可輕鬆的透過手持裝置APP來觀看重要的場所,如住家或是公司行號,並可即時接收告警。此APP已整合各樣式的攝影機,透過直覺式的畫面,可輕鬆操作一般固定式球機、槍機或PTZ快速球。友善的使用者介面讓使用者可以更輕鬆地安裝、操作、設定所搭配的監控攝影機,並隨時隨地前往想要觀看的...
Why wait in line?TimeView is a convenient service that allows you to search restaurant waitlists, add your name to a waitlist, and monitor your status...
This is the skin&hair analyzer viewer application of AramHuvisThe viewer application is only available with AramHuvis device.Useage refer to the URL.h...
SViewer app is designed for Ingrasys iSecuCloud service or Skywalk NVRs.Let you remote access Ingrasys NVR products for remote viewing, do snapshot, P...