Xerox SmartPad
The Xerox SmartPad is a tablet App that enables Xerox and its Channel partners to present & share content with customers.This is accessible to Xerox e...
The Xerox SmartPad is a tablet App that enables Xerox and its Channel partners to present & share content with customers.This is accessible to Xerox e...
Learn more about multifunction printer security, dynamic whitelisting and how the Xerox and McAfee partnership can help you keep your organization’s s...
Denne App giver Dem mulighed for at teste Deres viden om Medieansvarsloven og Medieretten. Testen består af ca. 40 spørgsmål, men hvis modtagelsen er ...
Denne app giver Dem mulighed for at teste Deres viden om Praktisk Aftaleret. De bliver stillet et spørgsmål og derefter forelagt tre svarmuligheder. A...
Dette er BETA UDGAVEN af Retten på Bornholms applikation, der har til hensigt at lette adgangen for borgerne til domstolen.免費玩Retten på Bornholms App ...
Denne App gør det muligt for Dem at teste Deres viden om civilproces. Foreløbigt består den kun af seks spørgsmål, men såfremt modtagelsen er god vil ...
Esta aplicación une los componentes de Google Android para ayudar a las personas de la 3ra edad que tienen problemas de comunicación y para mandar men...
**WARNING THIS IS A BLANK APP**This app is a blank "donation" app for my other application(s). I will never charge for my apps, but if you like my app...
The bicycle you buy, and especially where you buy it, has a huge impact on your safety, comfort, and how much fun you have riding! Bicycles are fun ve...
★★★ Vencedor do Startup Brasil de 2014 ★★★Cansado de ficar na fila de espera sem fazer nada?Então, não fique!Baixe o Get In e entre na fila do seu bar...