Pc emulator beta is a PC Emulator (x86) based on QEMU. You can now run Debian or DSL Linux on your Android device without root. Ssh, X Server, ftp, vn...
Pc emulator beta is a PC Emulator (x86) based on QEMU. You can now run Debian or DSL Linux on your Android device without root. Ssh, X Server, ftp, vn...
Would you like to use Emulators to play SNES or Mega Drive games on your PS2?How about protecting your original titles by playing backups?Play movies ...
Do not like mobile version of your favorite website , try with Chrome PC Emulator , access facebook , ebay, etcIt is not a google applicationChromeTM ...
Secure password management app to store passwords. Simple and fast access to your passwords.Features: -Integrated with Google Backup/Restore Service t...
Hello This app here is made for downloading videos and mp3 audio music or movies. Basically any song or movie you search for you can download it reall...
Play all your favorite Psp games on your smartphone. This is an ad free app. Minimum Specs required (based off personal experience) 1.5 duo core proce...
1.开放微信接口 2.修改应用名称 1.手机短信助手收录了8万多条短信记录,让您的短信内容不再枯燥 2.手机短信助手按照贺词,节日,日常问候等分类,每一类下面对应了其小类,用户使用起来非常有层次感。 3.手机短信助手对于每一个类型的短信收录了近千条,支持关键字搜素,让您迅速定位到您需要的短信。 4....
一群从越战退伍的真英雄──水牛、钝胎、丧荣、霹雳仔,向来向往自由自在的冒险生涯,他们组成“通天奇兵”冒险犯案,解决困难,只要价钱合理,谁都可以请 他们出面帮手,毫无代价地为正义战斗!四名“通天奇兵”各有强项,首次在银幕上大显身手;这次队伍又接下连场不可能的惊险任务,惊天动地刺激震撼场面一触即发!免費...
「姬戰2014」是一款結合撲克牌與卡片戰鬥規則、創新玩法的手機遊戲。「姬戰2014」的故事始於魔界、天界和人界的混戰,身為召喚師的玩家們,為解除末日預言,召喚戰姬們挑戰各個關卡,展開橫越人、魔、神三界的史詩戰鬥! ====遊戲概述==== 已經厭倦三色消除與轉珠類型的遊戲了嗎?「姬戰2014」創新採...
想要隨時隨地掌握【東森幼幼台】的大小情報嘛?趕快下載『YOYO CLUB APP』就對了!深具魅力的哥哥姊姊們,還有可愛活潑的YOYO家族,全都在這裡集合囉∼除了有不定期發布的節目與活動訊息,讓爸爸媽媽跟小朋友們不錯過任何跟YOYO家族藝人交流的機會外,在這支APP裡,還有好多針對小朋友量身訂做的有...