x3-moto aprilia


Sell Anything, Anywhere with AprivaPay™AprivaPay makes credit card transactions easy—whether in the shop or out in the field. This powerful app enable...


The KLIA Next Generation Hub concept is not the only significant "first" achieved by Malaysia Airports. The first airport operating company ever to be...


您的 Moto 手機會根據您來調整,您不需去習慣手機。您的 Moto 手機回應速度更快、更加個人化。它會自動調整 (例如在您駕駛時讀出簡訊)、回應動作 (例如快速晃動手腕兩次即可開啟相機)、回應您的聲音以及提供概覽通知,讓您看見重要訊息。Moto 目前僅在新 Moto X (第 2 代) 上支援。免...