Work Shifts
Work Shifts is a simple app that allows you to keep track of your work shifts.Features:-Add, Edit, and Delete Shifts-Add, Edit, and Delete Preset Shif...
Work Shifts is a simple app that allows you to keep track of your work shifts.Features:-Add, Edit, and Delete Shifts-Add, Edit, and Delete Preset Shif...
"Work Shifts" is an application designed for those who need to manage with simplicity and speed their work shifts.Features:- Fast insertion of shifts ...
Working Time is an application that allows you to record your work time.Each time is related to a project that is related to a customer.- FEATURES- Ea...
★ “指点操作”是什么感觉? 滑动屏幕即可千万大军排兵布阵的三国主宰者之感! ★ 玩法这么多,操作会繁琐么? 这次,我们将战!兵士指挥不需主公劳神! ★ 卡牌游戏,能有战斗畅爽感么? 请主公到战场亲自视察! ★ 据说这个游戏的武将既写实又萌Q? 写实超星武将卡牌搭配萌Q游戏内人物模型,就是这么酷! ...
指点三国,挥斥方遒。史上最畅爽的卡牌三国手游《无双三国》强势登陆手机。大制作强平台中手游独家代理,让你梦回光荣纷争三国时代! 谁是最强神将? 指、点、拉、划意想不到的究极创新玩法;猛将、策略、行军、攻城略地成就俯视天下的三国之神。 ★ “指点操作”是什么感觉? 滑动屏幕即可千万大军排兵布阵的三国主宰...
主要功能如下:1.搜尋路線路線輸入鍵盤,加速使用者找到公車的效率。2.附近站牌可立即看到附近的站牌,及其經過的路線與到站時間。3.路線規劃使用 Google Directions API 規劃路徑,可提供多種大眾運輸工具的不同路線。4.常用站牌使用者自訂的站牌清單,也提供了群組分類功能。== 其他特...
Work Shifts is a simple app that allows you to keep track of your work shifts.**The paid version has no advertisements and a widget that shows the nex...
Bored to heights ? Want something that will be a perfect time pass ? Stickman Shiftrun is the perfect choice for you. Specially designed to tickle you...
Work Shifts LITETip: To change language go to Impostazioni->Lingua and choose English language. Italian is defaultThe new application for the shifts m...