一款可以随时随地打印你所需要的东东的软件。在世界任何地方的打印机上直接从您的手机里打印PDF格式,Gmail,谷歌文档,照片,通讯录,日程,短信/彩信,通话记录和网页!功能如此之强大。直接打印到WiFi和蓝牙打印机),没有页面限制。免費玩PrinterShare APP玩免費免費玩PrinterSh...
一款可以随时随地打印你所需要的东东的软件。在世界任何地方的打印机上直接从您的手机里打印PDF格式,Gmail,谷歌文档,照片,通讯录,日程,短信/彩信,通话记录和网页!功能如此之强大。直接打印到WiFi和蓝牙打印机),没有页面限制。免費玩PrinterShare APP玩免費免費玩PrinterSh...
【产品简介】 AirShare是AirMobi专为智能手机、平板电脑用户开发的一款无线存储和分享USB设备数据的应用软件。需要配合AirMobi的享路由iShare使用。 AirShare使用简单,只要将USB存储设备插入iShare的USB端口,智能手机和平板电脑无线连接到iShare。开启Air...
随时随地快速访问SharePoint,和同事高效合作,实时共享日历、联系人、公告、文档和图片等信息。 内容管理: - 实时日历信息,完整日程安排 - 查看任务信息 - 查看联系人信息 - 浏览公告、文档和图片等 - 添加图片到相册,通过Email和他人分享 本地缓存 - 在没有网络连接时仍然可以高效...
Wonder Photo FramesDo you have any idea about the great Wonders of the world? People go amazed to watch these wonders. They click pictures and love to...
Many users use Android phone as a storage device. This fact can put you in great panic when your precious files disappear. There are many possible rea...
The best Free for Android Recover Lost Files. You can follow this app to recover lost files on your android phone. It's so easy.Sometime when you&...
A widget to toggle "Data Connection" setting. No modification to APN.You can use this application to turn on or off mobile data connection state withi...
Recovery for Android gives you the ability to change your mind in case you accidentally delete the wrong file. No need to backup your data. No need to...
Are you worried about the deleted files on Android Phones or tablets?Have you ever needed to recover lost videos and music from devices? In daily life...
Recovery for android is an application that will help you recover important files Recover important files or other critical information arising from d...