wonderful place


Finally, your smartphone understands receipts!- Simple expense tracking without the need for typing. How? The numbers are automatically recognized fro...

Tax Receipt

Calculate your tax receipt from the US Federal Government based on your income. Find out where your tax dollars are being spent: defense, Social Secur...



Place+ Free

Place+ app让你可以随时随地纪录到达的地点并分享给你的朋友, 只需轻轻一按就能立即将纪录的地点分享及打卡到脸书(Facebook),推特(Twitter),电子邮件和相簿。 支援语言: 中文,英文,法文,德文,义大利文,葡萄牙文,西班牙文,日文,韩文, 俄文 功能: 1. 地点纪录: 纪录你...