wisdom quotes

Dalai Lama wisdom Proverbs

在此感謝居住基隆臨海路陳先生提供此陰律無情善書訊息供我們製作~若有更多善書訊息也請諸方大德提供給我們並請每次閱讀我們的善書幫我們點選至少一次的廣告讓我們能有更多的經費製作善書!感恩您的幫忙!最新消息!更多善書皆在http://qlunlun.blogspot.tw Remember that not...

Wise Quotes

Wisdom is knowledge that is gained by having many experiences in life; the natural ability to understand things thatmost other people cannot understan...

Sufism Quotes

Sufism is defined as "truth without form" and the Sufi aspires to become "featureless and formless" to be so lost in God that only He remains. But the...


BQQuote 2015 is an app for the UPCI Bible Quizzing Program to help individuals keep track of their quote sessions and mastery of their quiz material. ...