

Windows 8采用崭新的用户交互、崭新的平台战略,无论成败,它都可以称得上是微软Windows史上最大的变革和冒险。如果你对它还不熟悉,那么下面这部由小编带来的WIndows 8完全手册可以为你指点迷津。 从Metro UI与传统桌面的结合到触摸优化的操作体验,再到移动为中心的功能体验,以及更多...

Water Scape

Ripple effect living panorama landscape! This is a amazing software which simulates Mac's famous ripple effect screensaver, but more artistic with pan...

Peppers The Game

Experience the next addictive game created exclusively for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. 'Peppers' is unlike any other match-three on the market t...