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GoldMiner full lite

Gold Miner經典再現!此款遊戲需要玩家依靠自己敏銳的觀察力,靈活的操控性,無盡的智慧、以及超凡的忍耐力,來挖掘地穴中無盡黃金寶藏,成為一代富豪! Gold Miner遊戲免費版關卡一共有15關(收費版99關),每關都有對應金額不同的物品,每種物品所用挖掘力度也不一樣,同時玩家必須在60秒內,...

NutriData Lite

Introducing NutriData - the modern way to learn more about the nutrients of food. NutriData lets you find out more about the nutrients in your food - ...


Cross ages and civilisations in an air hockey HD graphics game.A dual player ping pong game with many bonus to attack and deffend.Optimised OpenGL 2.0...

Package Browser

Browse the packages installed on your device, including:* activities, services, receivers, and providers* resources and other assets, including graphi...