Quick Forecast
Worldwide weather forecasts.Add your favorite cities and get the weather forecast for 10 days. You can also check out detailed conditions for a given ...
Worldwide weather forecasts.Add your favorite cities and get the weather forecast for 10 days. You can also check out detailed conditions for a given ...
Simple widget that shows the current weather plus a forecast for your current location. Includes custom weather icons or the icons provided by NOAA. W...
Indonesia weather forecast for major cities - Jakarta, Bandung, Bekasi, Denpasar, Depok, Makassar, Malang, Medan, Padang, Palembang, Semarang, Surabay...
Detailed weather forecast for Bandung (Indonesia) up to 12 days in advance. features: - Current weather - Daytime maximum and nighttime minimum temper...
Detailed weather forecast for Makassar (Indonesia) up to 12 days in advance. features: - Current weather - Daytime maximum and nighttime minimum tempe...
Detailed weather forecast for Salatiga (Indonesia) up to 12 days in advance. features: - Current weather - Daytime maximum and nighttime minimum tempe...
*** Indonesian Predictionary - requires A.I.type Keyboard 1.7.2 and above (either Plus or Free) *** Allows A.I.type Keyboard to provide text predicti...
★★★ With over 20 million downloads, aitype Keyboard is now available in Indonesian as well. For FREE! ★★★ ai.type replaces your default Android keyboa...
Hawaii Surf Forecast allows you to gather surf reports in Hawaii from Surf News Network and NOAA Surf Forecast in a clean and elegant manner so you ca...
Thinking of going surfing? Check out the waves before you go! Powered by spitcast.com, this great app will get you simple, accurate 7-day forecasts fo...