warmer magic lights v2

Free Warmer

This tool will make your mobile phone / tablet full load of CPU, to generate heat and warm up like a hand warmer. The energy comes from the device bat...


Warm your hands when it gets cold --- not only for women ---Displays remaining battery and current temperature. Stops at 5% battery. Lasts approx. 2h ...

Hand Warmer

Do you ever have cold hands? Don't metter, from now you can avoid this problem! Start the app, wait few seconds and use your smartphone as a porta...

三國演義經典故事 有聲書

为回报用户厚爱,圣诞特价促销! 12月22日 00:00:00--12月28日 23:59:59, $0.99 12月29日之后,恢复原价$3.99 需要的用户请抓紧时间下载!另外本公司其他所有产品也同时降价促销中,敬请关注! 《三國演義》是中國古典小說中一部極品之作,也是世界文學之寶。小說描寫了從...

Air War

The island of Atlantis was thought to be a fable or lost long ago to some calamity. In 1925 the military discovered it still existed. On the island wa...