war of cards tcg applocale

Stilland War HD Adventure RPG

是時候喚醒神秘的精靈,和你一同駕馭飛龍,為Stilland 世界帶回和平!玩家必須通過不停的戰鬥來發掘出沉沒在Stilland大陸上各種失落的奧秘,最終解開元素之謎。遊戲內擁有豐富的娛樂要素,玩家可以收集華麗的裝備,珍貴的寶石來強化自己,擊敗並且收服各種奇人異獸為己所用。還可以通過完成日常任務,公會...

War Card

War Card is a strategy card game, you have to use your card to build and defend your castle from the enemy attack, and also use the card to attack the...

War Card Game

內容介紹 : Be the first to collect all 52 cards in this classic game of chance. At the start of each game, a standard deck is shuffled and divided betwee...