voice text app

Spanish Talking Translator

60,000 + 5星的評價,以及5,000,000 +下載越來越強! 包括離線字典 在自由的講話翻譯/當天/每日字字典應用程序/字是擠滿了功能: - 支持30多種語言。 - 包括離線字典 - 每日一詞 - (也是在窗口小部件,以及每日通知 - 將其關閉,在設置中) - 修正句子 - 轉錄/音譯許多...

Voice Test

OVERVIEW: This software offers you the chance to test your voice and check for vocal fold health risks. Three important voice parameters are measured:...

Voice Text

Text by voice with Voice Text! Voice Text allows you to send and receive text messages by voice. Automatically have new text messages read allowed and...

voice text

Small sms send and recieve program that will let you talk as it type's the message for you. then you can send the message to any one in your conta...