vitals mobile app

Vitals Mobile

Vitals Mobile 是由叡揚資訊研發,行動化的知識管理 App 。使用者可透過行動裝置連 線至 Vitals ESP (Vitals/KM) 知識管理系統伺服器,瀏覽、檢索及新增知識文件。另外,亦提供 個人筆記功能,方便使用者於網路不通時,將記事儲存於行動裝置,待網路連線正 常時,再發佈至 ...


VitalSpace: The Manchester Estate Agent who offers a great personal service and saves you time by giving you more information on the web 24 hours a da...

Mobile Plus

Mobile Plus!!The biggest and the most complete reference of mobile phones in the world.This app provides you with every information you need about mob...