本系統可讓您的手機瞬間變成盤點機,正式版可以選擇 HTTP、SOCKET 等方式即時從後台系統取得商品資訊,透過照相完成進貨, 退貨, 出貨, 盤點, 訂單, 再直接上傳至後台系統,離線版也可選擇儲存 XML 或 EXCEL 在 SD Card 上。條碼若是二維條碼, 格式必須為:商品編號(換行)商...
本系統可讓您的手機瞬間變成盤點機,正式版可以選擇 HTTP、SOCKET 等方式即時從後台系統取得商品資訊,透過照相完成進貨, 退貨, 出貨, 盤點, 訂單, 再直接上傳至後台系統,離線版也可選擇儲存 XML 或 EXCEL 在 SD Card 上。條碼若是二維條碼, 格式必須為:商品編號(換行)商...
Here’s a one-‐stop-‐shop for you to report a problem. Whether it’s a pothole, street light out, graffiti, flooding or other local problems that are ...
VB Connect is the official mobile app for the Virginia Beach city government that connects you with key information and services for our great city. W...
The VBdaylife / VBnightlife.com app – is your source for the most up to date information on where to go for Live Music, Entertainment, Concerts, Festi...
VB S'Lite는 (주) 아모레퍼시픽의 비비에스라이트 공식 어플리케이션으로써, 개인의 큐레이션 결과에 따라 식단과 운동이 Daily로 추천되고, 그날의 미션수행을 기록하여 고객 스스로 체형관리가 가능하도록 서비스를 제공하는 다이어트 실천관리 앱입니다. 또한 나...
"VB KRYSHA" - расположена в самом центре столицы на высоте 50 метров над Кишинёвом. Современный дизайн двух залов, терраса и панорамный вид на Площадь...
AppCombo 公司 的APP "ComboTool" 提供兩種模式給使用者依需求選擇1. Console mode 使用用途與一般的UART tx/rx 裝置相同, 方便DIY時使用 在此模式下,亦可接INT# PIN, 去讀取rising edge pulse counter. 2. 燒錄模式...
DomuS3D.Box is a DomuS3D® project viewer. With this App you can see public projects published by Ceramic Tiles Manufacturers, processed with the Advan...
Automate your texting! You never need reply to an SMS again! OK, your mother, maybe... but in all seriousness, yes, you can now have Cleverbot respond...
InstaMessage支持基於地理位置的推薦啦!快速找到你身邊的那個他/她,向他/她打個招呼吧!你想和攝影大師搭訕嗎?你想和那些拍出讓你心動的照片的作者聯系嗎?你想和你的Instagram好友隨時交流嗎?那麽請使用InstaMessage,一款為Instagram用戶量身打造的即時通訊軟件! 主要...