valor universal viewer


★★★★★ It’s time to get serious about mayhem. You’ve had the rest, time to try out the best. Prepare yourself for the most advanced strategy game on An...

Valor Arena

Valor Arena is an entirely free epic multiplayer card game based on a most played PC game in North America and Europe (over 27 million daily players):...


ValorFuturo es la principal compañía de información financiera en tiempo real de Chile, con oficinas en Perú y Colombia. Para tener acceso a la inform...

黎鳌烧伤 专业版

[黎鳌烧伤] 是在第三军医大学西南医院全军烧伤研究所鼎力支持下开发完成。软件由烧伤面积计算和烧伤补液计算二部分构成。 使用方法: 手指触摸人像区域,长按1秒后移动手指画出被烧伤的区域。 1. 烧伤面积计算采用Lund and Browder身体各部位体表面积量表,由于采用了图形化界面,非常直观方便,...