Arduino 的源代碼(相同的USB版)
Arduino的藍牙伺服電機控制應用是允許你控制伺服電機的位置。 ( 0 - 180度)這個應用程序必須連接到Arduino板和藍牙模塊,然後控制伺服電機。該應用特點- 控制0 - 180度,帶進度條,旋鈕和固定程度的伺服電機的位置( PWM輸出) 。- 自動控制功能,並且可以調整時序控制。- 顯示...
Arduino的藍牙伺服電機控制應用是允許你控制伺服電機的位置。 ( 0 - 180度)這個應用程序必須連接到Arduino板和藍牙模塊,然後控制伺服電機。該應用特點- 控制0 - 180度,帶進度條,旋鈕和固定程度的伺服電機的位置( PWM輸出) 。- 自動控制功能,並且可以調整時序控制。- 顯示...
Use an android phone/tablet as a display for arduino.To see how I have used this application see:
Turn your Android device into USB keyboard/mouse for your PC.You will need to install custom kernel to your Android device, that will add keyboard+mou...
***This application is meant to control an Arduino based RC car over Bluetooth.If you want to precisely control your Bluetooth enabled Arduino RC car,...
Arduino its an AVR-development kit with microcontroller and peripherals on a single board, designed to make more accessible the process of using elect...
Arduino-Joystick est une application interactif qui permet de commander votre robot directement avec votre terminal androïde via bluetooth, cette appl...
This is a lite version of Arduino Bluetooth Joystick. You can get the full version in: its an AVR-development kit with mic...
NEW: MMS supports, hide your message with pictures now Ultimate Secret Box allows you to hide call logs and text messages in a password protection box...
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