usb speaker


This very simple app just sends audio from the mic to the speaker, plug it into your computer or whatever using a 3.5mm male to male headphone jack an...


Microphone, useful pocket tool, This microphone app simply sends your voice out of the phone! If you have a male-to-male 3.5mm headphone jack you can ...


Speck is a new arcade style game that tests your reflexes and game strategy. Your goal is to maneuver your piece around the flying specks that multipl...


Spek naît en 1985 dans la banlieue ouest de Paris.Cet artiste parisien est un passionné de dessin et de l'image depuis tout jeune. Autodidacte, il...


这个程序说你写什么;选择您想要使用的语言,写的东西,然后按PLAY,在“应用程序将做休息。此应用程序支持4种语言:意大利语,英语,西班牙语和德语。注意:这不是一个翻译,不同语言只是不同的口音。例如,说一些英语的应用程序选择英语,写英语。免費玩Speak APP玩免費免費玩Speak AppSpeak...


Speaker, a new android APP for users to practise English.It has some built-in words or sentences, and it can read words or sentences you type in.免費玩Sp...