udn news taiwan

udn News

「彈指掌握天下事,追蹤新聞零時差」,您期待的聯合新聞網 udn News 應用程式來了。即日起,Android 用戶都可下載安裝此程式,您可以透過 udn News 瀏覽聯合報、經濟日報與聯合晚報的豐富內容。 udn News 緊扣新聞進度,國內要聞、兩岸全球、社會新聞、數位資訊、財經產業、股市投資...

udn News 聯合新聞網

一指滑過 能知天下事提供聯合新聞網 24 小時不間斷的即時新聞服務,免費提供每日最新、最豐富的重點新聞、圖片新聞、影音新聞,支援離線閱讀,滿足你沒有網路時也想看新聞的需求;對發票、對樂透、看天氣、查星座,生活小資訊一手掌握。◆ App 主要特色有:‧左右滑動:快速切換分類與上下則新聞‧個人新聞:設定...


MPR is the most frequently used concise drug information resource by healthcare professionals, trusted for nearly 30 years. Providing the right dose ...

CBC Radio

CBC Radio is dedicated to bringing you the best in CBC radio streams from across the web to your device. Lets you listen to live radio at any time, wh...

NPR News

- Read, listen, or create a playlist of your favorite NPR stories and share with friends.- Hear live streams from hundreds of NPR stations: search by ...


NPR One is the new audio app that connects you to a stream of public radio news and stories curated for you. Great storytelling and rigorous reporting...