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Free to play 5 reel video slot with the opportunity of multiplying the prize in the double-up game and getting extra prizes in the bonus game and in s...

Gnome Gnomer

Once upon a time there were two gnomes who worked as the forest gardeners. Their most important task was to keep the forest flowers watered and bloomi...

Gnome Nations

游戏特色: • 多彩而寫實的畫面 • 多樣化的獨特建築與資源 • 可爱的怪物 • 即使是在同一個副本裏,同一副地圖,您也可以與其他玩家建立城市,只要有5名玩家即可。 • 您可以占據一塊領地,成為領主,在這塊領地上的其他玩家需要向您進獻。 • 娛樂簡介:您可以通過種植南瓜或者開子賭場,或者也可以通過制...