u life購物台網站


U-life is an Internet-based video service platform. It enables separate IP and 3G cameras to register on the platform. By loading a U-life software (a...


Full Version: please play/test lite version on your device before buying this, We want you to be happy :)We reccomend setting resolution to 320*240 on...

U Cluj

Aplicatie realizata pentru fanii "U" Cluj pentru a fi la curent cu ultimele noutati despre echipa noastra favorita.Ne cerem scuze pentru eventualele p...


主要功能特色: 运动记录:我们将全天候地记录您的运动数据,包括步数、卡路里、公里数等(配合手环使用,数据更加精确)。 睡眠记录:您安然入睡,手环将毫不打搅地记录您的睡眠状况,包括睡觉/醒来时间、入睡耗时、睡眠时间、睡眠效率等。同时,手机可以自动切换到静音模式,避免您被半夜的一声响骚扰电话惊醒! 数据...