TutorABCJr 英文小學堂 for Pad
"我们的地下赛车赛事已经不是秘密了! 加入TURBO RACING LEAGUE,像出膛的炮弹一样飞车吧! 到车库去,Tito会给你一点提示,帮你获得一只属于自己的坐骑! 通过一次又一次的飙车、漂移、急转弯和跳跃,登上排行榜的顶峰吧! 特点: 直观的触摸屏操作方法 9个独特的赛道挑战你的技巧 日常任...
了解各國時事脈動,體會世界人文之旅,英文學習報絕對是您第一手消息的最佳來源!APP特色:●「真人語音文章導讀」功能依照每篇內容,錄製真人語音文章導讀,搭配重覆播放,用「聽」的就能輕鬆學英文。●「單字翻譯」功能看不懂的單字,長按單字就會即時出現翻譯。 ●關鍵單字解析將關鍵性的單字詳細解說,並且提供例句...
Based on the characters from the DreamWorks movie Turbo, this game stimulates children imagination and perception of shapes, while having fun playing ...
El tute es uno de los juegos que más popularidad tienen en España. Este juego sigue la modalidad del tute original, repartiendo 6 cartas a cada jugado...
myTUT helps you stay connected to the Tshwane University of Technology any time, from wherever you are. Get access to your EXAM RESULTS, FINANCIAL STA...
Responsible and dedicated tutor who goes the extra mile for their students to make sure that they understand the materials that they are doing. Feels ...
內容介紹 : QuizTutor:Dogs is FREE app that allows you to test your knowledge of dog breeds. For a start you get 40 questions and then a new 3 each day. A...
FPGEETutor.com is a comprehensive assessments designed to measure the critical knowledge and understanding obtained by pharmacy graduates taking FPGEE...
Turn your drawings into games. Now with ANIMATIONS!Thousands of users love creating games with TutoTOONS!10 million players love games made with TutoT...