My PSA Tracker
Prostate cancer is the commonest cause of cancer deaths in men It has been shown that the measurement of PSA is useful in the early detection of Prost...
Prostate cancer is the commonest cause of cancer deaths in men It has been shown that the measurement of PSA is useful in the early detection of Prost...
Приложение «Загадки Барсика» — загадки для детей в стихах. Котёнок Барсик ходит в гости к своим друзьям пингвинёнку, черепашке, собачке и кошечке, где...
4 teh birds - is a fascinating and dynamic logical Match 3 game. Your goal is to send birds to the southern skies. Birds are flying away to South onl...
• 148Apps, "Overall though, Age of Booty: Tactics is a pretty fantastic game. Its pirate theme is appealing and its strategy mechanics are rock solid,...
你准备好加入激烈的枪战了吗?轴心国还是同盟国,胜利者还是失败者,蛋黄酱还是芥子末……答案尽在终极FPS决战:闪电部队! 化身为五大技艺超群且无法无天的英雄之一,与其他玩家携手合作,将敌人打个落花流水,并尽情地奚落和嘲讽他们。 *****荷枪实弹,加入团队式FPS大战!***** 尽享在线击杀乐趣! ...
** Featured in Editor's Picked by ** HEX Editor Lite version is similar to HEX Editor App but without the built-in web-downloader featu...
-> 10 fabulous games including the full sing along in one great kids app! -> 11 beautiful verses of the classic “The Wheels on the Bus” song! -> Top s...
100+ different colors with beautiful Chinese Names. This app provide you a great way to know about the common used colors in China. It is especially h...
最近一版的更新里我们减少了免费试用棋谱的数量,引起广大棋友的不满。多谢有棋友在评论里给我们指出问题。我们新版本已经在审核中了,免费试用的棋谱数改为60谱。谢谢广大棋友的关心与厚爱。 本应用精选吴清源先生精心编撰的死活题,附加详尽的解说,让你不仅是知其然,更是知其所以然。 死活了然于心,棋盘上自然成竹...
优雅、知性、独立的董洁个人APP,终于和广大期待已久的粉丝见面啦!此1.0版本为首发优先体验版哦,是董洁团队唯一授权研发的官方APP! 董洁的行程、活动计划 最新新闻资讯、作品欣赏、美图、视频都可以在这里看到哦!所有新作的网络首发一律在这里集散! 还等什么?不想和最爱的董洁实时互动么?不想知道她的最...