

这是一款宠物养成的小游戏.主角当然就是俺最喜欢的 阿狸啦. 1.0版本: 1.提供几种食物来饲养阿狸.阿狸可以长高等. 2.阿狸可以打工和学习.(可以在后台运行,默认'否'.) 3.提供一个捡铜币的小游戏来赚取铜币. 4.抽奖系统.如果钱比较多了,就可以抽奖.抽奖可以得 到特殊属性,几率较低. 5....


The free Pet-Remote app only works in combination with a Pet-Remote device which is available at Pet-Remote offers a new and easy ...

Pet Doctor

Elsa just loves the braided look! But she's having a bit of trouble reaching the back of her hair. She has three beautiful braided hairstyles she ...

Pets Jump

We present max a friendly dog who really loves jumping everywhere. Join to him and his friends as they try to get the title of jumper king.You will en...