touch on display 技術

Touch Display Link

“Touch Display Link(触摸显示联动),简称:TDL”是一款用于会议支持的应用。它可以使夏普专业液晶触摸屏(IWB)与Android平板电脑在无线局域网环境中共享成员间的信息。 使用TDL,可以将Android平板电脑上的会议资料发送到夏普专业液晶触摸屏,并显示在屏幕上。同时,IWB...

On Touch

On Touch es un juego entretenido para jugar sólo o en compañía. Un botón para jugar a dos modos de juego distintos, sencillos y sobre todo muy adictiv...


Display360 is an advanced step for display their products in an impressive 360-degree viewer. It increases customer awareness and loyalty. Build your ...


Chorusplay is a Mobile Jukebox that lets you control the music playing in pubs, café, gym, saloon, parties and other hangouts. Get that perfect song t...


This application allows you to disable touch input and fix the display.-How to use 1. Pull down the Notification bar. (After install or reboot your de...