Shogun Hex
Japan was a country in turmoil at the beginning of the 18th century. It was a time of pageantry and corruption in the Shogun's court in Edo (now T...
Japan was a country in turmoil at the beginning of the 18th century. It was a time of pageantry and corruption in the Shogun's court in Edo (now T...
Slice and dice various plants with a flick of your finger! Each plant can be sliced to 4~8 pieces. Shaking device will make the wind blow. 3D scenes b...
PHYDICS ( Physics Dictionary Series ) is an offline, interactive dictionary of physics concepts.Volume 1 of PHYDICS presents over 40 physics concepts ...
Shogun Dice is the final dice application. With it you can always carry your dice with you to play your RPG games without have to remember to take the...
全面战争Total War Battles改编自世嘉的经典的即时战略游戏系列SHOGUN幕府将军,游戏背景是 16 世纪的日本战国时代,群雄争霸,玩家的目标是成长为统一全日本的将军,重温织田信长、德川家康的霸业。玩家取胜即可获得进行建设必须的经验值,军队也可以获得升级,这些都对未来的战斗有着决定性作...
BUILD, BATTLE AND AVENGE!Specifically developed for touchscreen platforms, Total War Battles™: SHOGUN is a new real-time strategy game from the makers...
“没有什么游戏像《幕府将军的头骨》这样流畅、小巧且剧情连贯周密,对我来说,它绝对属于同类游戏中的优秀之作。” -- Eurogamer打败你的敌人,吃掉它们的头骨!《幕府将军的头骨》就是这样一款快节奏的回合制策略游戏,画面中融入了格斗类游戏的“刀光剑影”,游戏情节充斥着强烈的幽默感!快来置身阴曹地府...
一款移植作品,曾经发布在塞班平台。 一天夜晚,远古村落感受到了神的怒火,群星都陨落到地球。如果有位传奇英雄能重构天体,他就能迎娶最心爱的女人:酋长的女儿。我们的英雄和他的朋友正试图把图腾柱准确移到指定位置并尽可能多地搜集钻石。 如果他们能把每关6枚钻石都集齐,混沌的天体就将重构,以此平息众神的愤怒。...
The war of cute cats and dogs... The scattered cat heroes gathered to protect their kingdom and fight against the dogs. ★ I'm the god of cats, 'Catphi...
[Scenario]Hello, there!I'm a god of heaven called 'Catphinx', and sending you a letter for asking.These days, the kingdom of cats is suffering from th...