このアプリは電話帳に登録されている電話番号を参照して、トーン信号(DTMF)を鳴音させる、いわゆる「トーンダイヤラー」です。このトーン信号を自宅の固定電話や公衆電話の受話器などに固定して鳴らすことで、電話機のダイアルボタンを操作することなく電話を掛けることができます。※ Android携帯の電話機能...
このアプリは電話帳に登録されている電話番号を参照して、トーン信号(DTMF)を鳴音させる、いわゆる「トーンダイヤラー」です。このトーン信号を自宅の固定電話や公衆電話の受話器などに固定して鳴らすことで、電話機のダイアルボタンを操作することなく電話を掛けることができます。※ Android携帯の電話機能...
Tone & Talk™ supports SMS reading on Android™ based devices and enhanced functions from BT Reader Plus. 1. Main Feature- Reading SMS MMS - Reading mes...
Tone & Talk™은 Bluetooth Headset을 통해 문자를 음성으로 안내해 주는 App 입니다.Tone & Talk™은 기존 BT Reader Plus에서 한층 업그레이드된 기능과 호환성을 제공합니다. 1.주요 기능- SMS, MMS 읽기- SNS 및 메신...
Tone & Talk™ supports SMS reading on Android™ based devices and enhanced functions from BT Reader Plus.1. Main Feature- Reading SMS MMS - Reading mess...
Tone & Talk™ supports SMS reading on Android™ based devices and enhanced functions from BT Reader Plus.1. Main Feature- Reading SMS MMS - Reading mess...
Tone & Talk™ supports SMS reading on Android™ based devices and enhanced functions from BT Reader Plus.1. Main Feature- Reading SMS MMS - Reading mess...
Tone & Talk™ supports SMS reading on Android™ based devices and enhanced functions from BT Reader Plus.1. Main Feature- Reading SMS MMS - Reading mess...
No Pocket Dial - Stop the accidental dialing - stop irritating your friends, family, or any one in your contacts.He should have had No Pocket Dial:"Dr...
You are presented a grid of randomly colored squares, each square when pressed will play a tone generated from it's color. You can also click on the p...
Tone Dialer lets you make DTMF touch tones on a keypad.This app does not produce tones from your contacts' numbers; other applications which do th...